More success with hotel marketing

Hotel marketing: The benefits of sales promotion for companies
Marketing is one of the elementary tasks in managing a company. In a globalized world, marketing is more important than ever. But what exactly is it really about? Marketing is concerned with promoting sales. More specifically, the task of marketing is to market products and services to increase sales. All actions are based on customer needs. This is constantly changing. It is therefore the goal of marketing managers to adapt products and services to current customer requirements and to further expand their reach. Marketing provides companies with a variety of tools for this purpose. The marketing strategy is created from the bundle of instruments. A recommendation for action is derived from this.

The marketing mix for hotels
The instruments of marketing mix are divided into four groups: product policy, pricing policy, communication policy and sales policy. In technical language, they are referred to as the “Four Ps.” The four Ps are divided into specific tools, which are used, tailored to the target group of the respective company. From this, overarching corporate goals can be derived and translated into concrete measures. The respective tasks are recorded in the marketing plan and completed for a limited period of time based on milestones. The results, in turn, are evaluated to check the success of the respective campaign and make necessary adjustments for the future.
Product policy in the hotel industry
What is your product? What does your hotel stand for? Behind the product policy is your hotel, your brand in the background or the hotel itself as a brand. At this point, you define what makes your hotel special and what it stands for. Is a personalized message from the guest important to you? Then use it to advertise and convey to your guest that they are the center of attention and that individual orientation in the hotel is a matter of course. Other unique selling points will help your guest choose you when booking.
Pricing policy and pricing strategy
The basis for your pricing is the Price floor calculation per room. However, the guest should be able to understand how the room prices are justified. He is thus prepared to pay the appropriate price. This is because it evaluates and compares prices based on a product and service relationship. Promotions and offer prices, such as early bird discounts, are popular on the market. You should therefore consider them in your marketing strategy.
Communication as a hotelier
How do I talk to my guests? You decide how you communicate with your guests. This can be done using traditional methods such as print and catalogues, but also via your own website. Ask yourself what you're communicating when you present offers on platforms and what triggers it with your target audience. Communication via Facebook and Co. also needs to be learned. How do you address your guests? Do you choose the personal you or would you rather choose the formal you? Make these communication decisions before you communicate and be as consistent as possible.
Distribution channels for your offers
The classic telephone route may be flattening out, but it is still not dying out in many hotels. Therefore, the telephone at the reception should be regarded as an independent sales channel. Other distribution channels in some hotels still include tourist information or catalogues and magazines (print advertising). Platforms such as and similar sites are available online. However, your own website should be in particular focus and be the ideal booking channel. This is the best way to manage your marketing costs.
The marketing strategy — a mix of online and offline marketing
Years ago, when the Internet was not yet so popular, advertising measures took place in the classic way — print advertising in newspapers and catalogues, flyers or press reports. But radio and television advertising was also one of the classic advertising tools. Today, the classic sector is complemented by online marketing. Online advertising campaigns are extremely attractive and, above all, the success can be measured. The reach is significantly greater, the costs of individual measures are often significantly lower and some are even free of charge. Online marketing also enables direct customer contact.
What marketing options are there for hotels?
Unfortunately, marketing in hotels is often still used far too little and potential sales are therefore lost. Of course, marketing requires spending at the beginning, but these should be regarded as an investment.
There are many ways to market a hotel. A few years ago, for example, advertising in tourist information was attractive. However, since demand and information gathering starts at home today, a website must provide sufficient information before you arrive. In addition to general data, the placement of offers and promotions is very useful. As a result, the guest can also book their stay directly via their own website.
Marketing activities
- Creating and maintaining a website presence — the figurehead
- Search engine optimization (SEO) for better findability on the internet
- Paid advertising, for example through Google AdWords
- Encourage reviews — positive reviews create trust for potential guests
- Use social media accounts — stay in your head and stand out
- Fill booking platforms with specific offers
- Marketing in the hotel: Personalized approach in hotel rooms for individualization
Hotel marketing: customer orientation from A to Z
With the help of hotel marketing, hotel rooms and suitable services are marketed, which flow into the balance sheet as additional sources of income. This could be, for example, renting out meeting and event rooms or marketing the hotel's own restaurant or wellness area. All tasks in the marketing hotel industry are focused on the guest. The rule is: to sell hotel services for guests at the right time, in the right place, at the right price, via the right online and offline sales channels. The guest is therefore at the center of all hotel marketing activities. The ultimate goal must be to achieve 100% guest satisfaction and the associated development of a brand that is firmly anchored in the minds of hotel guests.
Marketing in the hotel industry is an indispensable tool for being competitive and getting in direct contact with guests. Take advantage of the opportunities that hotel marketing offers you and find out now about a suitable marketing strategy for your hotel.
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